李文斯頓中文學校創建於一九八三年, 在杜宛香和黃李彩雲女士們多方籌備下正式成立。其宗旨除了承傳中華文化外, 同時也為了讓下一代華人子弟了解父母出生地的文化背景。由於大量的廣東話家庭不斷的移入新澤西州, 特別是在李文斯頓鎮及鄰近的區域, 本校前校長及榮譽董事梁伯華教授,有感於成立廣東話班的需要, 在校董會及多位熱心家長的幫助下, 設立了廣東話班, 李文斯頓中文學校除了傳統的國語教學外,粵語教學也因此成了本校特色之一。
本校招收中文課之學生需年滿四歲以上, 分國語和粵語語言課程。國語班從幼兒唱遊班到八年級, 粵語班從幼兒唱遊班到六年級 , 教授中文的聽、說、讀、寫。現有學生一百六十多人, 十六個班級。本校學生課外活動有舞獅, 功夫, 民族舞蹈, 摺紙, 串珠, 扯鈴, 籃球, 羽毛球等文化及體育課外活動。成人班有民族舞蹈, 有氧舞蹈和太極拳。本校歷史悠久, 組織建
Founded in 1983 by Julia Dutka and Catherine Hwang, the Livingston Chinese School is a non-profit organization to promote and advance the diverse cultural heritage of the Chinese community in Livingston and its surrounding towns. The school initially offered Mandarin language classes and then added Cantonese language classes soon after. At the time, the former principal and honorary board member Professor Edwin Leung saw the community growing with more Cantonese speaking families. Today the curriculum continues to offer both language classes learning traditional characters.
Enrollment of Mandarin and Cantonese language classes is opened to all students ages 4 and up. We offer Mandarin from Pre-K up to 8th grade and Cantonese from Pre-K to 6th grade. In addition to the language program, students can participate in various cultural activities. Activity classes include Lion Dance, Kung Fu, Folk Dance, Origami, beading, Chinese Yo-Yo, Badminton and Basketball. Adult activities includes flower arrangement, folk dance, and Tai-Chi. Availability may vary from year to year.
Our Home School Association (HSA) is organized by volunteer parents who provide students activities, such as the student reward store, speech contest, yearbook, holiday events. Our school also participates in the Memorial Day Parade, organizes summer picnics, winter ski trips, and celebrates Chinese New Year with a school-wide show.
The Livingston Chinese School has classes on Sundays from 1:30pm to 4:20pm at the Livingston Heritage Middle School. We welcome you to join our school!