粵語幼稚園前班/Pre-Kindergarten (CPre-K): For kids 4 years old and up
適合四歳以上。 通過兒歌, 遊戲, 故事等啓發孩子興趣。認識中國傳統文化及節日, 學習粤語發音, 簡單中文字, 正確握筆姿勢及筆劃。 教授約五十個生字。
For children 4 years old and up. Chinese children songs, games and stories will be used to introduce students to the language. Traditional Chinese culture, festivals and holidays will also be covered. Proper pronunciation, simple vocabulary words and correct writing stroke order of each character will be taught. Approximately 50 vocabulary words will be covered.
粵語幼稚園班/Kindergarten (CK): For kids 5 yrs and up
適合五歳以上。 通過兒歌, 遊戲, 故事等啓發孩子興趣。認識中國傳統文化及節日, 學習粤語發音, 簡單中文詞語, 正確握筆姿勢及筆劃。教授約七十個生字。
For children 5 years old and up. Chinese children songs, games and stories will be used to introduce students to the language. Traditional Chinese culture, festivals and holidays will also be covered. Proper pronunciation, simple vocabulary words and correct writing stroke order of each character will be taught. Approximately 70 vocabulary words will be covered.
粵語一班/First Grade (C1):
學習更多詞語及簡單句子, 日常口語運用, 正確漢字筆劃, 部首, 成語及民間故事。
Students will learn the following: additional vocabulary words and simple sentences, commonly used conversation expressions in daily life, correct writing stroke order for each character, radical components of the Chinese character, Chinese proverbs and traditional folk stories.
粵語二班/Second Grade (C2):
學習更多簡單句子, 日常口語對答, 句子的變化, 正確漢字筆劃, 部首, 成語及民間故事。
Students will learn the following: additional simple sentences, ask and reply conversation expressions in daily life, variations in sentence structure, correct writing stroke order, radical components of the Chinese character, Chinese proverbs and traditional folk stories.
粵語三班/Third Grade (C3):
學習短篇文章, 句子的運用, 加強口語的表達及閱讀理解的能力。
Students will study short literary writings, as well as use of vocabulary phrases. More emphasis will be taught on developing conversation skills and reading comprehension.
粵語四班/Fourth Grade (C4):
學習短篇故事, 簡單造句, 加強口語的表達, 閱讀訓練及理解的能力。
Students will study short stories and simple sentence composition. Extend conversation skills. More emphasis will be taught on reading texts and comprehension skills.
粵語五班/Fifth Grade (C5):
學習長篇故事, 掌握更多詞匯及語法進行寫作, 加強口語訓練及表達的技巧。
Students will study longer stories, master even more vocabulary words and phrases, and grammer for writing compositions. More emphasis will be taught on practicing conversation expressions skills
粵語六班/Sixth Grade (C6) [Graduating Class]:
學習長篇故事, 掌握更多詞匯及語法進行寫作, 加強口語訓練及表達的技巧。
Students will study longer stories, master even more vocabulary words and phrases, and grammer for writing compositions. More emphasis will be taught on practicing conversation expressions skills.