國語唱遊班/Pre-Kindergarten (MPre-K): For kids 4 yrs and up
適合四歳以上. 教兒歌, 遊戲, 唐詩等啓發孩子興趣。
Teaches with Chinese songs, games, poems. Introduce the Mandarin Phonetic Symbols.
國語注音班/Kindergarten (MK): For kids 5 yrs and up
適合五歳以上。 教授國語注音發音及正確漢字筆劃。
Teaches Mandarin Phonetic Symbols.
Textbook/書本: 新編華語注音符號課本。
國語一年級/First Grade (M1):
適合六歳或以上。 教授國語注音, 正確漢字筆劃, 生詞, 小量閲讀, 著重在聽, 説, 和讀。 約教一百生字。
Teaches correct Mandarin pronunciation, Mandarin Phonetic Symbols, Chinese Characters and phrases. Main focus is in listening, speaking and reading. Approximately 100 Chinese characters will be covered.
Textbook/書本: Let’s Learn Chinese Vol. 1. 學華語向前走課本第一册
國語二年級/Second Grade (M2):
適合七歳或以上。 教授國語發音, 正確漢字筆劃, 生詞, 小量閲讀, 寫字練習, 部首及造句。約教二百生字。
Teaches correct Mandarin pronunciation, Chinese characters and phrases, sentence structure, and radical of characters. Approximately 200 Chinese characters will be covered.
Textbook/書本: Let’s Learn Chinese Vol. 2. 學華語向前走課本第二册
國語三年級/Third Grade (M3):
適合八歳或以上。 教授國語發音, 正確漢字筆劃, 閲讀, 寫字, 部首及造句練習。 約教三百生字。
Teaches correct Mandarin pronunciation, Chinese characters and phrases, sentence structure, and radical of characters. Approximately 300 Chinese characters will be covered.
Textbook/書本: Let’s Learn Chinese Vol. 3. 學華語向前走課本第三册
國語四年級/Fourth Grade (M4):
適合九歳或以上。 教授國語發音, 正確漢字筆劃, 強調閲讀理解, 寫字, 複雜造句練習及作文。
Teaches correct Mandarin pronunciation, Chinese characters and phrases, sentence structure, and radical of characters.
Textbook/書本: Let’s Learn Chinese Vol. 3/4. 學華語向前走課本第三/四册
國語五年級/Fifth Grade (M5):
適合十歳或以上。 教授國語發音, 正確漢字筆劃, 部首, 強調閲讀理解及作文練習。
Teaches correct Mandarin pronunciation, Chinese characters and phrases, sentence structure, and radical of characters.
Textbook/書本: Let’s Learn Chinese Vol. 4/5. 學華語向前走課本第四/五册
國語六年級/Sixth Grade (M6):
適合十歳或以上。 教授國語發音, 正確漢字筆劃, 部首, 強調閲讀理解及作文練習。
Teaches correct Mandarin pronunciation, Chinese characters and phrases, sentence structure, and radical of characters.
適合七歳或以上。 教授國語發音, 正確漢字筆劃, 生詞, 小量閲讀, 寫字練習, 部首及造句。約教二百生字。
Teaches correct Mandarin Pinyin pronunciation, Chinese characters and phrases, sentence structure, and radical of characters. Approximately 200 Chinese characters will be covered.
Textbook/書本: Let’s Learn Chinese Vol. 2. 學華語向前走課本第二册
適合七歳或以上。 教授國語發音, 正確漢字筆劃, 生詞, 小量閲讀, 寫字練習, 部首及造句。 約教三百生字。
Teaches correct Mandarin Pinyin pronunciation, Chinese characters and phrases, sentence structure, and radical of characters. Approximately 300 Chinese characters will be covered.
Textbook/書本: Let’s Learn Chinese Vol. 3. 學華語向前走課本第三册
教授國語發音, 正確漢字筆劃, 強調會話班及生活用語。
Teaches correct Mandarin Pinyin pronunciation, Chinese characters and phrases, focus on the conversations and daily vocabulary.
Textbook/書本: Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words. 一千字說華語