李文斯頓中文學校 | 2024-2025學年度開始報名 !
Livingston Chinese School | Fall Registration Now Open!
2024-2025 school year is open for registration. Click here to register.
Early bird discount: $25 off per student if you register before the end of July!
More information about the registration process and tuition below!
Tuition for 2024-2025 {學費}
– Tuition includes book/supply fee and 30 classes. First day of school is September 8, 2024.
- Tuition / 整學年學費 ————————- $630
- Registration fee / 註冊費 ——————– $25
- HSA dues / 家長會會費 ———————- $30
- Parent Duty Bond / 家長服務保證金 —– $75
Updated 08/03/2024